Celeb couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, who are often spotted at their new house in Mumbai, were seen paying a visit on Wednesday as well. This time however, they were joined by Ranbir Kapoor’s mom and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor. In several pictures from the site, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and his mom Neetu were seen entering the multi-storey house together. In other pictures, Ranbir can be seen checking out the view from a massive balcony at their bungalow. Alia wore a pair of black pants with a black shirt, while Ranbir wore a white shirt and blue jeans with cap. Neetu kept it casual in a breezy beige outfit.

Take a look at the pictures below:

Alia Bhatt, Ranbir and Neetu Kapoor often visit their new house to check the progress. Alia and Ranbir were also spotted visiting their under-construction home in September 2022. Alia was pregnant at the time.

After that, Neetu Kapoor and her son Ranbir Kapoor were spotted at their under-construction Krishna Raj bungalow in Pali Hills, Mumbai in January last year. The veteran actress was pictured talking to a team member. Neetu Kapoor looked pretty in a shirt and black pants, while Ranbir looked uber cool in a brown sweatshirt and matching pants. They happily waved at the shutterbugs (separately). Check out the pictures below:

On Monday, a video went viral in which Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and their daughter Raha can be spotted celebrating the festival of colours. In the video, a woman (presumably the Kapoors’ neighbour) can be seen putting colours on Ranbir’s face. Next, we can see the woman putting colours on Alia’s face. Raha, with her nanny beside her, can be spotted standing in the video.  Take a look:

On the work front, Alia Bhatt will be next seen in Jigra while Ranbir’s last film was the blockbuster Animal

Celeb couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, who are often spotted at their new house in Mumbai, were seen paying a visit on Wednesday as well. This time however, they were joined by Ranbir Kapoor’s mom and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor. In several pictures from the site, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and his mom Neetu were seen entering the multi-storey house together. In other pictures, Ranbir can be seen checking out the view from a massive balcony at their bungalow. Alia wore a pair of black pants with a black shirt, while Ranbir wore a white shirt and blue jeans with cap. Neetu kept it casual in a breezy beige outfit.

Take a look at the pictures below:

Alia Bhatt, Ranbir and Neetu Kapoor often visit their new house to check the progress. Alia and Ranbir were also spotted visiting their under-construction home in September 2022. Alia was pregnant at the time.

After that, Neetu Kapoor and her son Ranbir Kapoor were spotted at their under-construction Krishna Raj bungalow in Pali Hills, Mumbai in January last year. The veteran actress was pictured talking to a team member. Neetu Kapoor looked pretty in a shirt and black pants, while Ranbir looked uber cool in a brown sweatshirt and matching pants. They happily waved at the shutterbugs (separately). Check out the pictures below:

On Monday, a video went viral in which Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and their daughter Raha can be spotted celebrating the festival of colours. In the video, a woman (presumably the Kapoors’ neighbour) can be seen putting colours on Ranbir’s face. Next, we can see the woman putting colours on Alia’s face. Raha, with her nanny beside her, can be spotted standing in the video.  Take a look:

On the work front, Alia Bhatt will be next seen in Jigra while Ranbir’s last film was the blockbuster Animal