Rajkummar Rao’s latest release Srikanth is hitting all the right notes. Just like many of us, Bollywood couple Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D’Souza also loved the film. Riteish shared one of the film’s posters and praised the cast by writing, “What a fabulous actor Rajkummar Rao is, Jyotika you are a superlative performer-we need to see more of you – Alaya F you light up the screen. Sharad Kelkar bhau you are (green heart emojis)” For the director, Riteish added, “Tushar Hiranandani my friend – you have made an amazing film… take a bow!!” He signed off by wishing luck to the producers and wrote, “Bhushan Kumar, Nidhi Parmar wishing you stupendous success at the box office.”
In her review, Genelia D’Souza called Srikanth “a film which is all heart.” She wrote, “I absolutely loved watching it…It makes you laugh, makes you cry, and most importantly makes you feel good at the end of the film…Well Done Tushar Hiranandani, Nidhi Parmar. Rajkummar Rao you were phenomenal – it’s pure joy to see you in every role you take up. Alaya F you were so honest it’s refreshing to see you on screen, Sharad Kelkar you were exceptional – loved you in it, and last but not the least –my most favourite Jyotika, how do you do this? You are just special as an actor and more so as a person…please please do more films. We need to see more often.”
After reading the review, Rajkummar Rao thanked Riteish and Genelia and shared their reviews in his Instagram Stories.
Srikanth is a biographical drama that tells the story of visually impaired industrialist Srikanth Bolla, who defies all odds to build an empire and provide employment to specially-abled people. The movie features Rajkummar Rao in the lead role, with Jyotika playing his teacher and Alaya F portraying his love interest.
Rajkummar Rao’s latest release Srikanth is hitting all the right notes. Just like many of us, Bollywood couple Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D’Souza also loved the film. Riteish shared one of the film’s posters and praised the cast by writing, “What a fabulous actor Rajkummar Rao is, Jyotika you are a superlative performer-we need to see more of you – Alaya F you light up the screen. Sharad Kelkar bhau you are (green heart emojis)” For the director, Riteish added, “Tushar Hiranandani my friend – you have made an amazing film… take a bow!!” He signed off by wishing luck to the producers and wrote, “Bhushan Kumar, Nidhi Parmar wishing you stupendous success at the box office.”
In her review, Genelia D’Souza called Srikanth “a film which is all heart.” She wrote, “I absolutely loved watching it…It makes you laugh, makes you cry, and most importantly makes you feel good at the end of the film…Well Done Tushar Hiranandani, Nidhi Parmar. Rajkummar Rao you were phenomenal – it’s pure joy to see you in every role you take up. Alaya F you were so honest it’s refreshing to see you on screen, Sharad Kelkar you were exceptional – loved you in it, and last but not the least –my most favourite Jyotika, how do you do this? You are just special as an actor and more so as a person…please please do more films. We need to see more often.”
After reading the review, Rajkummar Rao thanked Riteish and Genelia and shared their reviews in his Instagram Stories.
Srikanth is a biographical drama that tells the story of visually impaired industrialist Srikanth Bolla, who defies all odds to build an empire and provide employment to specially-abled people. The movie features Rajkummar Rao in the lead role, with Jyotika playing his teacher and Alaya F portraying his love interest.