Hey Karisma Kapoor, you were Ananya Panday’s “inspiration” for her recent look at an award show. How do we know? Well, Ananya confessed it herself. The Kho Gaye Hum Kahan star attended the Grazia Young Fashion Awards 2024 on Tuesday and ahead of the event, the actress offered a sneak peek at her OOTD for the award show. In one of the mirror selfies that Ananya dropped on her Instagram Stories, the actress can be seen dressed in a black striped pantsuit, featuring a peak collar blazer and flare trousers. To complete her look Ananya styled her hair in bouncy curls and opted for a choker. In the next slide, Ananya dropped a throwback collage of Karisma Kapoor on her Instagram Stories. The collage included pictures that were clicked when Karisma received a Filmfare award for her performance in the 1997 film Dil To Pagal Hai. Back then, Karisma slipped into an oversized beige pantsuit that included a similar peak collar blazer and flare trousers, which she wore atop a black top. Karisma completed her look by leaving her voluminous tresses open, which Ananya emulated. Sharing the collage, Ananya wrote, “The inspiration. Karisma Kapoor.” Helmed by Yash Chopra, Dil To Pagal Hai also featured Shah Rukh Khan and Madhuri Dixit.
Of course, this isn’t the first time that Ananya Panday has called Karisma Kapoor her inspiration. Last year, when Ananya walked the ramp at India Couture Week 2023 in Delhi for designer Rimzim Dadu, she said that she has always been an admirer of Karisma’s fashion choices. In a conversation with news agency PTI, Ananya also revealed that she also has Karisma’s posters pasted on a wall in her vanity van. The Gehraiyaan star said, “I have grown up watching Karisma Kapoor’s films and I have a picture of her stuck on my vanity van’s mirror wall. I just love her fashion. She always has fun with it and sets trends. She has been a huge inspiration.”
Last year in August, Ananya Panday also jetted off to Ibiza for a beachy vacation with Karisma Kapoor. The Dil To Pagal Hai star also treated her fans to the glimpses of their exotic vacation. Along with the pictures, Karisma wrote, “Ibiza – Sneak Peek.” Read all about it here.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Karisma Kapoor was last seen in Homi Adjania’s Murder Mubarak which premiered on Netflix on March 15. Ananya Panday, on the other hand, has Vikramaditya Motwane’s cyber-thriller Control and Amazon Prime Video series named Call Me Bae in the pipeline.
Hey Karisma Kapoor, you were Ananya Panday’s “inspiration” for her recent look at an award show. How do we know? Well, Ananya confessed it herself. The Kho Gaye Hum Kahan star attended the Grazia Young Fashion Awards 2024 on Tuesday and ahead of the event, the actress offered a sneak peek at her OOTD for the award show. In one of the mirror selfies that Ananya dropped on her Instagram Stories, the actress can be seen dressed in a black striped pantsuit, featuring a peak collar blazer and flare trousers. To complete her look Ananya styled her hair in bouncy curls and opted for a choker. In the next slide, Ananya dropped a throwback collage of Karisma Kapoor on her Instagram Stories. The collage included pictures that were clicked when Karisma received a Filmfare award for her performance in the 1997 film Dil To Pagal Hai. Back then, Karisma slipped into an oversized beige pantsuit that included a similar peak collar blazer and flare trousers, which she wore atop a black top. Karisma completed her look by leaving her voluminous tresses open, which Ananya emulated. Sharing the collage, Ananya wrote, “The inspiration. Karisma Kapoor.” Helmed by Yash Chopra, Dil To Pagal Hai also featured Shah Rukh Khan and Madhuri Dixit.
Of course, this isn’t the first time that Ananya Panday has called Karisma Kapoor her inspiration. Last year, when Ananya walked the ramp at India Couture Week 2023 in Delhi for designer Rimzim Dadu, she said that she has always been an admirer of Karisma’s fashion choices. In a conversation with news agency PTI, Ananya also revealed that she also has Karisma’s posters pasted on a wall in her vanity van. The Gehraiyaan star said, “I have grown up watching Karisma Kapoor’s films and I have a picture of her stuck on my vanity van’s mirror wall. I just love her fashion. She always has fun with it and sets trends. She has been a huge inspiration.”
Last year in August, Ananya Panday also jetted off to Ibiza for a beachy vacation with Karisma Kapoor. The Dil To Pagal Hai star also treated her fans to the glimpses of their exotic vacation. Along with the pictures, Karisma wrote, “Ibiza – Sneak Peek.” Read all about it here.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Karisma Kapoor was last seen in Homi Adjania’s Murder Mubarak which premiered on Netflix on March 15. Ananya Panday, on the other hand, has Vikramaditya Motwane’s cyber-thriller Control and Amazon Prime Video series named Call Me Bae in the pipeline.